I had the opportunity to photograph good friends of mine last Sunday. I have know Frank ever since I met my husband (almost ten years ago) they have been good friends for a very long time. He and his wife Michelle are still practically newlyweds only been married a few years. They were a blast to work with they both, such a great sense of humor and were cracking jokes and laughing practically through out the whole session. Frank needed […]
With all the competition out there, how I do I stand out from the crowd? It might be by forming a personnel relationship with clients and providing a unique product that the client will enjoy and come back again and again. But, let me start at the beginning which might give you better perspective of me. I grew up in a small town north of Flint, MI. I have been obsessed with photography since high school. It all started when […]
Last Saturday I had the opportunity to photograph the first annual Aruna 5K run, sponsored by Campus Crusade, held at the University Of Michigan campus. The weather was not ideal, rain mixed with snow. Over 200 people participated and raised over $11,000 for human tracking in Mumbai, India. It was amazing to see how God was working that day in the hearts of the runners. The lead singer for the event’s band, Charity for Kisses, felt compelled to speak about […]
Yesterday afternoon I met with fellow Ann Arbor area photographer Ali Mcwhinney. It was very refreshing to just talk about what what we love and our passion for photography. I really enjoyed the opportunity to be able to pick her brain about how she got started, her experiences and what marketing tips worked for her. I realized halfway through the conversation that we have very similar styles when it came to photography, editing styles and interests. I now strongly believe […]
This morning, I noticed that Savannah finally has enough hair to have bedhead. Oh it makes me smile just thinking about it as I type this, she enjoying her afternoon nap. Me and Alan are feeling a little under the weather so i decided to make chicken noodle soup. The weather here in Michigan has been so weird. Snow, rain, snow. I have to admit I am looking forward to this summer, it is my favorite time of year. Well […]
Yesterday Savannah wandered into her room went right up to her bookcase pointed and made her usual sound “ob0owya” when you wants something. Apparently she was not satisfied with my choices of books for her. When she was happy with what she selected. She then settle herself a spot on the rug in our living room for a little light reading. She looks so darn cute I had to snap a few shots. Now that she is a toddler it […]
As I look through my living room window I see our giant maple tree with an array of yellow and orange leaves. The sun is just coming up and everywhere you look it has cast a beam of orange on everything it touches. On this chilly October morning I am memorized by the beauty and instantly want to run out outside with my camera in hand. But, then I am also a little sad as I watch the leaves fall […]
Finally had a opportunity to post some images take the other morning during a pretty sunrise. Hope you enjoy
We had a pretty good week was glad that the sun decided to make a appearance this week. Savannah had fun on the swings around the corner from our house yesterday. Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend. Remember the reason for celebration on Sunday isn’t just about the candy and a bunny in a funny looking suit. It is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when you are with your family gather together for dinner thanks Jesus for his sacrifice […]
Live each day as God has created it. I wake up each day to a beautiful girl waiting for me no matter what time it is. She always has a smile waiting for me. I even enjoy her talking in her sleep at three in the morning. Every day is a new adventure. I enjoy each precious moment because i know i will blink and she will sixteen asking for the keys.